Acumera will secure Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center’s network to protect personal data and Protected Health Information and guard against cyberattacks.
Austin, Texas – July 20, 2021 – Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center, a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital serving the medical needs of Liberty County, Texas, and surrounding areas, selected Acumera’s NES™ service along with Acumera’s Enhanced Security Services tools to protect its systems and data.

Acumera, a leading network operation, visualization, and security services provider, is installing its comprehensive network solution in alignment with Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center’s goal to “acquire new technology to protect business assets and guard against cybersecurity threats.”
Rhonda Campbell, CEO of Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center, said, “healthcare records are a very valuable commodity to cyber thieves. The coronavirus has changed the methods of healthcare delivery with the use of telemedicine and other technology. There has been a significant increase in cyberattacks and hackers penetrating lax systems with the intent of obtaining important personal data and PHI, then using it for identity theft and a multitude of other things. Secure systems to mitigate these attacks are vital to healthcare facilities.”
“With the rise in cybersecurity attacks on healthcare companies, Acumera looks forward to partnering with Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center to successfully carry out its commitment to protecting network systems and devices and safeguarding sensitive data,” said William Morrow, Acumera’s Chairman and CEO.
Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center will also get access Acumera’s 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC) and the AcuVigil™ Dashboard — a cloud-based management platform that provides port-level visibility of all network devices and a catalog of edge computing workloads for monitoring, analytics, security and more.
Learn more about Acumera’s managed network solutions at acumera.net or contact Acumera at 512-687-7400.
About Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center
Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital serving the medical needs of Liberty County and surrounding areas. Through the leadership of our Board of Trustees, Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center continues to make improvements to its facility, including acquiring new technology, such as Acumera Enhanced Security Services Enterprise, to protect business assets and guard against cybersecurity threats.
About Acumera
Acumera is the leading supplier of network operation, visualization, and security services via orchestration of business, networking, and security workloads in the cloud, near the edge and at the edge. Acumera secures entire networks, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and IoT devices and safeguards data, maximizes uptime, provides device visibility, and simplifies compliance for convenience store, healthcare, restaurant, retail, unmanned parking and other businesses. Acumera’s robust, scalable platform provides a full suite of containerized edge computing workloads for security, monitoring, management, analytics, loyalty programs, and more. Acumera is listed on the Visa and Mastercard Global Registries of PCI compliant service providers. Learn more at acumera.net.
Acumera, AcuVigil, AcuLink and the Acumera logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Acumera Inc. in the United States and other countries.